Capture time and energy.

Tools to Simplify Your Life



The Tale of Two Wolves:

 An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. 
“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a fight between two wolves. 
The Dark wolf is harmful– he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
 The Light wolf is helpful– he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. 
The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, 

“Which wolf will win?”  

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


The tools featured on this website feed a supportive mind, and starve a destructive mind.

What’s holding you back? Need more time, and energy?

Those who have the ability to focus their attention will have the advantage in this world. 

You face more distractions than ever before. Shiny lights, endless entertainment, captivating videos that steal your attention (companies, people competing for your attention).

Control the controllable –> Removing unnecessary –> recapturing lost time and energy + greater emotional flexibility

These are perhaps the most common limiting beliefs we all face. A supportive mind restores time and energy back to you. 

A destructive mind wastes time and energy on circumstances outside your control.

A supportive mind  works to control the controllable, and accepts the circumstances outside of your control. 

As a result, a supportive mind leads to growth, health, wealth, fulfilling relationships, happiness, purpose, and internal freedom.

You are not responsible for the random thoughts that come into your mind, but you do get to choose your response to them.

Your mind, a thought generator and processor, can be influenced by your response.

how much time and energy you put into each thought.

As a result of shifting to a supportive mind, you feel more energetic, creative, solution-oriented, happy, grateful, and peaceful. 

The tools on this website are designed to give you more time, and more energy.

A supportive mind works for you, and a destructive mind works against you.

You are not your thoughts. However, You can choose how you respond to them.

Small, simple shifts –> supportive mind –> health, wealth, fulfilling relationships, happiness, purpose, and internal freedom.            

Small, simple shifts –> supportive mind –> energetic, creative, positive, happy, inspired, grateful, and peaceful

The power of a supportive mind has been recognized, understood, and practiced by peak performers for countless generations.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit,” said Will Durant vs Aristotle

The tail of two wolves: Learn to feed supportive thoughts, and starve destructive thoughts.

Improve the quality of your thoughts –> Improve the quality of your life. 

Thoughts –> Actions –> Habits –> Behaviors –> Destiny

Placing band-aids over an infected wound only puts more distance between you and the source of pain. To dance around the important issues of life without touching them is to waste precious time.  

Time is the most valuable resource. It is non-renewable.

The root cause of all desirable and undesirable outcomes starts with the quality of your thoughts. A supportive mind allows the heart of the matter to surface.

Once you recognize the source of desirable and undesirable outcomes, you can choose to give attention and focus where it is required.

Improve the quality of your thoughts –> Improve the quality of your life.

Simple, seemingly small shifts repeated consistently over time will have a compound effect, and bring massive results in your life.

Compounding unproductive thoughts from a destructive mind –> undesirable outcomes, while compounding productive  thoughts from a supportive mind –> desirable outcomes. You do not choose your thoughts, but you do have power to choose your response to them.

Respond to your thoughts with TOOLS, so that your mind works for you, not against you.

Apply mindset tool —> Shift –> Supportive Mind helps you get more of what matters most to you.

Mindset tools are intuitive, and you recognize them as effective as soon as you encounter them. They are self-evident, and you will see results as soon as you start using them. 

This website is designed to help you shift into a supportive mind. 

Mindset Tools lead to human evolution. Mindset tools have been around as long as our ancestors had the ability to think. 

And mindset tools are not foreign to you. You use them every day, even if you don’t call them “mindset tools.”

“All things are created twice. First in the mind, and second in physical reality” 

The greatest breakthroughs we have seen, including the internet that allows you to read this anywhere in the world, were first created in he mind.

Tools, in the most general sense, help us achieve feats more effectively and efficiently, saving us time and energy. They allow us to easily achieve what once seemed impossible. Usually, when we think of tools, our thoughts go directly to physical tools that help us perform tasks more effectively (example = hammer). I invite you to expand your thinking to include tools of the mind, which we will call mindset tools.  By themselves, tools don’t accomplish anything, and they require an operator, you. A hammer laying on a table has no purpose. The very first time an operator uses a tool, such as a hammer, it feels awkward. To conceptualize, let’s say a the level of ability to use a tool ranges from level 1-10, with 1 being a beginner, hardly able to use the tool, and 10 being fully proficient as a master.  Some tools will come more naturally to you than others based on your background and your natural gifts. Be patient with yourself. With time, with repetition, with practice, it becomes easier. Your ability to do will increase. You will level up. You, the operator, gains skills, and builds physical muscles to become more efficient with the task. The task seems easy after a while. It’s not that the nature of the task is easier, but that the ability to do has improved. Mental muscles work very much the same way, and you’ll find that mental tools become easier to use with time, repetition, and practice. Experience is often the best teacher. 

In life, natural principles include prevention, and intervention. Teams need defense and offense. Due to the unpredictability, uncertainty, and changing conditions, the species who do well can adapt by methods of prevention, and intervention. Both sets of tools are crucial. They are intertwined.

Think of the physical health of your body. 

To keep your body alive, there’s a certain level of basic maintenance (water, food, and shelter). There are tools that can lead to even better quality of life and longevity, such as water filters for clean water, healthier options of food vs processed fast food, and homes with plumbing, and electricity. If you’re reading this, you probably have access to these tools, which may seem pretty basic. Even if these additional tools seem automatic, they are not. They require you to set up your life, your time, your energy to make the use of these tools a priority if you want to receive the benefit.

In addition to meeting these maintenance needs, at some point in life, intervention also becomes necessary for survival. Think of an illness (bacterial infection), or injury (broken leg or heart attack), which requires either intervention. Your body will do it’s best to respond if you break your arm, or sustain a heart attack. In these situations, there are also tools such as medication, and surgery providing an opportunity for better outcomes. Again, you set up your life, your time, your energy to benefit from them.

Unfortunately, the truth is that the above range of tools are not available to everyone. The access is a real issue.

Now think of the health of your mind = the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. Pro Athlete’s use their minds to train, strategize, and gain victories. Business professionals use their minds to strategies, blablabla. We all use are minds to strategize and approach our relationships, our finances, our interests and hobbies, and our use discretionary time.

Perhaps one of the greatest tools you have available to you is your mind, which is basically the way your process reality. Because wide ranging access of the internet, it’s more possible than ever for you to encounter tools that help you improve your mindset, to allow it to thrive with both tools of maintenance and intervention. Reading, writing, learning from the experiences of others can help your soar to new heights. “Today, we stand on the giants of others, so we can see farther.” 

We don’t have to rely on experience alone. There are tools used by peak performers who share tools, habits, and routines that helped them enjoy a sustainable life, and tools, habits, and routines to shift back into that state when the unexpected twists and turns of life inevitably hit.

You are not your mind, but you have an opportunity to influence, and improve both the health and abilities of your mind by applying certain tools. 

Just like your body, your mind requires maintenance. In order to stay conscious, your mind needs water, food, and sleep. Additional tools are available, including exercise, breathing techniques, visualization, which can lead to better outcomes 

There are situations requiring intervention. Why? Because life is constantly changing, and you cannot accurately anticipate or predict the future. 

Let’s look at each toolbox in turn. 

Tools for maintenance: Preventative. Long-term. Protective. Systematic. Non-urgent. Prevent fires from starting, so you don’t have to be a fire fighter focusing on one reacting to one crisis after another. These tools breeds consistency. Longevity. Sustainability.

These tools are applied daily. You set your intention. You live deliberately according to principles and your values. This tools represent you taking control of the controllable, so you are prepared for the unexpected, and unwanted circumstances that inevitably come your way.

Think of these tools as providing armor to protect you, and adding fuel to your purpose.

Tools for intervention: 

Let’s relate this to the tools we have for physical health. 

Joe can live passively, and simply react and respond to life when crisis hits. Perhaps, he lives years eating cheeseburgers, fries, and a milkshake for 3 meals a day. At some point, it’s very likely he’s going to face the music, and deal with digestive health. Perhaps abdominal pain, and diverticulitis. Over years of this habit, he may very well put himself at risk for heart attack, or stroke. The heart attack  didn’t just come out of nowhere – it was the culmination of smaller choices that led up to that point. 

Great DEFENSE and OFFENSE.  You need armor and weapons. You need to be able to prepare at times, and then respond effectively when the unknown arises.

Health requires maintenance, and intervention.

They of course work together, and cannot be completely separated.

1. These tools are Preventative. Long termLong term. Protective. Systematic. Intentional. Non-urgent. This prevents fires rather than having to put them out all the time. These tools allow you to have consistency in your life. Sustainability and longevity.

You apply these tools daily. It’s how you set your intention. It’s how you live your life deliberately, proactively. It’s taking control of the controllable, so you are prepared for The unexpected, and the unwanted.

These tools serve as your armor, and as a steady source of fuel.

In a sense, these tools can be seen as your foundation.

2. These tools are situational.Short term. Used as needed. Allow you to find solutions to the unexpected, and the unwanted. They allow you to respond effectively instead of reacting. Yes, they put out fires. They also can build bridges quickly. 

These tools help you shift any moment of need. Shift perspective. Reframe. Adjust. Pivot.

A good exampleIs when someone pushes one of your buttons, and tempts your weakness To react to a circumstance instead of respond.

Your default mode reacts habitually, automatically, emotionally, and clumsily.

You can create a new system, and set of habits that hey are consistent and aligned with your deeper values instead of reacting clumsily. You can practice before the Unexpected, and only wanted events happened. You can do this by creating space between the trigger, and your response to the trigger.

A supportive mind is capable of short term and long term victories.

No one will force you to develop these tools. No one can force you to develop these tools. You were the only one who has control over your own development. You might have teachers, coaches, role models, influencers. But there is no substitute for experience. You must put in the practice.

Rather you have the opportunity to practice.

While it it may seem like it takes too much time and energy to develop these tools and skills, I would highlight that you will be saving much more time and energy by your growth, and set of tools.

Abraham Lincoln was asked how he would approach chopping down a tree. How would he allocate his time?

He would spend the majority of the time sharpening the saw.

I invite you to sharpen the saw. T

enjoy the Benefits

Self Awareness

Focused Creativity

Fulfilling Relationships

Improved Physical Health

Financial Abundance

Inner Peace

Support Your Mind, So Your Mind Can Support You!

Thoughts –> Actions –> Behaviors –> Habits –> Destiny